"My name is Lily Burkhead, I currently use all 10performance supplements in my dietary regime. I’m currently a full time student at USF, work, train as a full time CrossFit athlete, and have a horse. So my schedule is jam packed with activities. Without 10performance in my daily routine, I don’t think my body would be able to keep up with everything that I ask of it. My current favorites are the chocolate whey protein, creatine, and deer antler for my morning routine and then at night I pair the RPM and hemp oil for the absolute best sleep and to make sure my body has the best recovery to take on the next days tasks.
10performance is more than just a company, they are a family to me. And truly care for the well-being of all athletes and want each and everyone to succeed. I’m forever grateful to be apart of the ten team! "
"I’ve been taking RPM for a while now and it noticeably improves my sleep, recovery and HRV! It really helps me get into and stay into a super deep sleep to help me recover form my workouts from the day before! Highly recommend for anyone that struggles with either falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting deep quality sleep!"
Health and Nutrition Coach
"I was introduced to Ten’s products in 2014, and have been using them ever since. Between the clean powders, and nutrient packed liquids, I am able to have peace of mind with what I am putting in my body. Many companies choose short cuts over quality, and having been inside Ten’s production facility, and seen first hard, I am a believer in their pursuit of manufacturing the cleanest supplements on earth. I will continue to trust Ten Performance in my fitness, health, and lifestyle goals."
"I want to thank the entire 10Performance team for providing the most trustworthy supplements on the market. I have never felt better during my training until I made Recover Pro,
Proclein, BCAA, and Hydrocell apart of my daily routine. I owe this championship bodybuilding season to Ten Performance and can wait for what we accomplished I the future!"
"I’ve been using Ten Performance
Recovery for about 5 years and believe it helps with my recovery and definitely muscle soreness. Last year when the gyms shut down and CrossFit canceled the
Games for masters athletes, I took a few weeks off of working out and taking Recovery. I honestly didn’t notice any difference during that time. However, when the gyms opened back up and I started training again I was way more sore than I had been in the past. I went back on Recovery and began feeling much better even with an increase in training volume. "